Welcome to OS Migrate’s documentation!

OS Migrate is an open source toolbox for parallel cloud migration between OpenStack clouds. Parallel cloud migration is a way to modernize an OpenStack deployment. Instead of upgrading an OpenStack cluster in place, a second OpenStack cluster is deployed alongside, and tenant content is migrated from the original cluster to the new one. As hardware resources free up in the original cluster, they can be gradually added to the new cluster.

OS Migrate provides a framework for exporting and importing resources between two clouds. It’s a collection of Ansible playbooks that provide the basic functionality, but may not fit each use case out of the box. You can craft custom playbooks using the OS Migrate collection pieces (roles and modules) as building blocks.

OS Migrate strictly uses the official OpenStack API and does not utilize direct database access or other methods to export or import data. The Ansible playbooks contained in OS Migrate are idempotent. If a command fails, you can retry with the same command.


The source code of OS Migrate is hosted on GitHub.

For issue reports please use the GitHub OS Migrate issue tracker.

To get help, feel free to also create an issue on GitHub with your question.

For a more interactive chat, join the Matrix room #os-migrate:matrix.org.

If you want to contribute to the project (code, docs, …), please refer to the developer docs.
