Module - os_role_assignments_info
This module provides for the following ansible plugin:
Module Documentation
List role assignments information
- assignee_types
List of assignee types to filter the assignments. Supported types 'user', 'group'. None means don't filter anything.
- scope_types
List of scope types to filter the assignments. Supported types 'project', 'system', 'domain'. None means don't filter anything.
- auth
Required if 'cloud' param not used.
- auth_type
Auth type plugin for OpenStack. Can be omitted if using password authentication.
- region_name
OpenStack region name. Can be omitted if using default region.
- availability_zone
Availability zone.
- cloud
Cloud resource from clouds.yml
Required if 'auth' param not used.
OpenStack tenant migration tools (@os-migrate)
Example Tasks
- os_role_assignments_info:
cloud: srccloud