Development Environment Setup


Development environment

Build a container image with tools to be used for building and testing the project:

make toolbox-build

All further make commands etc. should be run from a container using this image. You can start a bash shell within the development container like so:


Alternatively, you can run each development-related command in an ephemeral container using the provided wrapper, if you provide the command as parameter(s) to the ./toolbox/run script:

./toolbox/run echo "Hello from os-migrate toolbox."

Sanity and unit tests

You can run sanity tests this way:

./toolbox/run make test-sanity

And unit tests this way:

./toolbox/run make test-unit

To run sanity tests and then unit tests together, a shorthand target “test-fast” can be used:

./toolbox/run make test-fast

Vagrant for functional tests

To run functional tests, you’ll need to connect to OpenStack cloud(s) where tenant resources can be managed. As a developer, the easiest way is to run a local virtualized all-in-one OpenStack cloud. OS Migrate has Vagrant+Devstack setup for this purpose.

If you have Vagrant-libvirt installed on your machine, you can use it directly, but OS Migrate tooling does not assume that, the customary way is to run it via the OS Migrate toolbox container. Special vagrant-run wrapper scripts are provided for this purpose.

Note that the Vagrant container cannot run in rootless mode since it controls libvirt. When the wrapper script is first run, it will copy the rootless os-migrate-toolbox image into the system’s (root user’s) container images automatically.

Launch the Vagrant-capable containerized shell:


Within that shell, run the script which brings up Vagrant+Devstack:

# we are already in toolbox/vagrant dir when we launch vagrant-run

Assuming the creation succeeded, it is now recommended to take a snapshot of the environment so you can revert it back into a known-good state later:


Important: the life of the Vagrant VM is tied to the life of the container started by ./toolbox/vagrant-run. That means you should keep the shell open, and run functional tests via ./toolbox/run make test-func from a different terminal. If you close the vagrant-run, the Vagrant VM will get killed. If that happens, you can start it again and use ./vagrant-snapshot-revert to revive the VM.

If you need to revert the VM at any time, run:


When you’re done developing, halt Vagrant and close vagrant-run shell:


When you want to develop again, you will be able to reuse the snapshotted Vagrant environment:


To destroy the Vagrant VM, e.g. when you want to recreate it from scratch later, run:


Running functional tests

Functional tests expect tests/func/auth_tenant.yml and tests/func/auth_admin.yml files to exist and contain os_migrate_src_auth and os_migrate_dst_auth variables with credentials for connecting to OpenStack cloud(s). The tests will connect to wherever these auth parameters point and create/delete resources there.

Run a make target which will set up the aforementioned tests/func/auth_tenant.yml file to connect to your Vagrant+Devstack instance:

./toolbox/run make test-setup-vagrant-devstack

Run a make target which will set up the aforementioned tests/func/auth_admin.yml file to connect to your Vagrant+Devstack instance:

./toolbox/run make test-setup-vagrant-devstack-admin

Finally, run the functional tests:

./toolbox/run make test-func

To run functional tests for just the resource you’re working on, run e.g.:

OS_MIGRATE_FUNC_TEST_ARGS='--tags test_network,test_subnet' ./toolbox/run make test-func

To explore imported resources, skip the after-test cleanup of resources, e.g.:

OS_MIGRATE_FUNC_TEST_ARGS='--tags test_network,test_subnet --skip-tags test_clean_after' ./toolbox/run make test-func

Running e2e tests

OS Migrate also has a suite of end to end, e2e, tests which tests a migration from one existing openstack deployment to another existing openstack deployment.

You can also test with a single existing openstack deployment migrating from one project to another.

These docs cover the testing of a single existing openstack deployment migrating from one project to another scenario.

The concepts and prerequisites are the same for other deployments.

Prerequisites for e2e test

  • Source environment credentials

  • Destination environment credentials

  • Existing images in both source and destination environments

  • Flavors

  • Public network

  • Space requirements

    • 2 images totalling 1.25 GB

    • 1 volume totalling 1 GB in source environment

    • 2 volumes totalling 6 GB in destination environment

    • 2 VMs totalling 35 GB disk usage in each environment

Below are the steps required to satisfy the above requirements and run e2e tests in a test environment, migrating resources from one project to another.

Create source environment and destination environment projects and users

# Create the src user in the default domain with password 'redhat'
openstack user create --domain default --password redhat src

# Create the src project
openstack project create --domain default src

# Assign src user a 'member' role in the src project
openstack role add \
--user src --user-domain default \
--project src --project-domain default member

# Confirm role assignment was successful
openstack role assignment list --project src

# Create the dst user in the default domain with password 'redhat'
openstack user create --domain default --password redhat dst

# Create the dst project
openstack project create --domain default dst

# Assign dst user a 'member' role in the src project
openstack role add \
--user dst --user-domain default \
--project dst --project-domain default member

# Confirm role assignment was successful
openstack role assignment list --project dst

Create images

# Download images

# Create images in glance from these downloads
openstack image create --public --disk-format qcow2 --file \
    CentOS-Stream-GenericCloud-9-20230116.0.x86_64.qcow2 CentOS-Stream-GenericCloud-9-20230116.0.x86_64.qcow2
openstack image create --public --disk-format raw --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img

Create flavors

openstack flavor create --public \
--ram 256 --disk 5 --vcpus 1 --rxtx-factor 1 m1.xtiny

openstack flavor create --public \
--ram 2048 --disk 30 --vcpus 2 --rxtx-factor 1 m1.large

Create public network

If your OpenStack environment doesn’t have a public network created yet, you’ll need to create one. The parameters below should work if you’re deploying your OpenStack environment with Infrared Virsh plugin. If you deployed using something else, you may need to adjust the parameters.

openstack network create \
     --mtu 1500 \
     --external \
     --provider-network-type flat \
     --provider-physical-network datacentre \

openstack subnet create \
    --network public \
    --gateway \
    --subnet-range \
    --allocation-pool start=,end= \

Sample e2e config yaml using the above prerequisites

Also see

Auth URLs and network names will change based on your environment.

  password: redhat
  project_domain_name: Default
  project_name: src
  user_domain_name: Default
  username: src
os_migrate_src_region_name: regionOne
  password: redhat
  project_domain_name: Default
  project_name: dst
  user_domain_name: Default
  username: dst
os_migrate_dst_region_name: regionOne

os_migrate_data_dir: /root/os_migrate/local/migrate-data

os_migrate_conversion_host_ssh_user: cloud-user
os_migrate_src_conversion_external_network_name: nova
os_migrate_dst_conversion_external_network_name: nova
os_migrate_conversion_flavor_name: m1.large
os_migrate_conversion_image_name: CentOS-Stream-GenericCloud-8-20220913.0.x86_64.qcow2

os_migrate_src_osm_server_flavor: m1.xtiny
os_migrate_src_osm_server_image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
os_migrate_src_osm_router_external_network: nova

os_migrate_src_validate_certs: False
os_migrate_dst_validate_certs: False

os_migrate_src_release: 16
os_migrate_dst_release: 16

os_migrate_src_conversion_net_mtu: 1400
os_migrate_dst_conversion_net_mtu: 1400

Run e2e test using the OS Migrate toolbox and the above config

Copy the above config to file custom-config.yaml in the local directory of your local os-migrate source.

Run the full test suite using the above config.

OS_MIGRATE_E2E_TEST_ARGS='-e @/root/os_migrate/local/custom-config.yaml' ./toolbox/run make test-e2e-tenant

Expected output from successful e2e test run

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=318  changed=110  unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=27   rescued=0    ignored=0
os_migrate_conv_dst        : ok=12   changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=3    rescued=0    ignored=0
os_migrate_conv_src        : ok=12   changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=3    rescued=0    ignored=0

Wednesday 21 July 2021  09:59:17 +0000 (0:00:03.419)       0:29:17.016 ********
os_migrate.os_migrate.conversion_host_content : update all packages --------------------------------------- 435.56s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : transfer volumes to destination ---------------------------------- 101.72s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : expose source volumes --------------------------------------------- 66.67s
os_migrate.os_migrate.conversion_host_content : install content -------------------------------------------- 62.35s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : transfer volumes to destination ----------------------------------- 58.75s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : clean up in the source cloud after migration ---------------------- 27.40s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : expose source volumes --------------------------------------------- 27.30s
Create osm_server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24.71s
create osm_image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23.86s
os_migrate.os_migrate.export_images : export image blobs --------------------------------------------------- 23.80s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_images : import images -------------------------------------------------------- 23.69s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : create destination instance --------------------------------------- 23.30s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : create destination instance --------------------------------------- 21.93s
Create osm_server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21.61s
os_migrate.os_migrate.import_workloads : clean up in the source cloud after migration ---------------------- 21.16s
os_migrate.os_migrate.conversion_host : create os_migrate conversion host ---------------------------------- 20.03s
Remove osm_server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19.01s
os_migrate.os_migrate.conversion_host : create os_migrate conversion host ---------------------------------- 18.23s
Shutdown osm_server ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18.14s
Shutdown osm_server ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17.88s

Optional tags to pass to e2e tests

There are a set of tags that can be used to filter which tasks to run during test.

  • test_clean_before

  • test_workload

  • test_image_workload_boot_copy

  • test_image_workload_boot_nocopy

  • test_image_workload_boot_copy_clean

  • test_clean_before

  • test_pre_workload

Optional playbook variable

There is also an optional variable test_clean_conversion_hosts_after which can be set to false if you do not wish to clean up conversion hosts after test is complete.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be used when running e2e tests.

  • OS_MIGRATE_E2E_TEST_ARGS: All of the above tags and playbook variables can be set using the OS_MIGRATE_E2E_TEST_ARGS environment variable. This variable is also used to pass in the playbook custom config file. eg:

    OS_MIGRATE_E2E_TEST_ARGS=’-e @/root/os_migrate/local/custom-config.yaml –tags test_clean_before,test_workload –skip-tags test_clean_after -e test_clean_conversion_hosts_after=false’

  • ROOT_DIR: Absolute directory path to OS Migrate source. When not set the default when run using OS Migrate developer toolbox this is set to /root/os_migrate.

  • OS_MIGRATE: Absolute directory path to the OS Migrate ansible collection. When not set the default when run using os-migrate developer toolbox this is set to /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/os_migrate/os_migrate.